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Great food and great fun make for great smiles!

Great food and great fun make for great smiles!

Team Building is the best investment you can make.

Our clients know that the highest ROI comes from investing in your people. A healthy, high-performance team can create magic!

And team building and employee engagement events are one of the highest leverage ways of doing this. But like any high-leverage investment, you have do it right. That’s why our clients rely on us to deliver the results.

Our clients normally budget between $95 and $500 per person depending on the impact they want and the resources they have. Minimum program prices start at $1800 and up, depending on the program.

At the higher end, we can provide more customization, add amazing locations, organize cool transportation (did I hear someone say helicopters? ;-),  include options that require more personnel, and generally give the program more impact. At the lower end, we can still provide an amazing program at a budget price by choosing one of our less resource-intensive programs.


